Alberta Wildlife Tag Allocation Discussion Paper

As the representative for ethical, recreational hunting in Alberta, the Alberta Wildlife Federation believes that responsible harvesting, through the application of science-based allocations, stakeholder involvement as well as current policies and regulations is key to balanced use.

In the Fall of 2023 the Alberta Wildlife Federation distributed the Alberta Wildlife Tag Allocation Discussion Paper to elected officials, ministers, and members.

This evaluation has been conducted through a detailed analysis of the current state of allocations, resident hunter uses and demand, as well as the regulations, policies, and programs of the Government of Alberta.

While we realize many of the documents referenced in the discussion paper are titled “draft” it is because we could not access an alternative policy that is approved to reference instead.

There are 4 calls to action for the Government of Alberta highlighted in the discussion paper:

  1. Return to the table in good faith and honour the commitments they made in the 2001 Outfitter Guide Allocation Policy.

  2. As a priority, formally update the Management Plan for all major Alberta big game species, involving all stakeholders.

  3. Immediately cancel the one-time addition to commercial outfitters of all extra tags issued as COVID 19 pandemic relief.

  4. Immediately reduce the annual standard allocation to commercial outfitters for each of the major Alberta big game species, reflecting the government’s commitment covered in its 2001 Outfitter Guide Allocation Policy

Read the discussion paper


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