Press Release: 72% Opposed to Legalization of Shoot Farms
Alberta Government's Own Supporters in Opposition to Legalizing Shoot Farms in Alberta According to Survey
EDMONTON, March 10, 2025 – The Coalition of Conservation Groups welcomes the results of a recent 800 person INSIGHTRIX survey commissioned by the Alberta Wildlife Federation (Alberta Fish & Game Association) which shows Alberta Voters are clearly opposed to the legalization of shooting domesticated game farmed elk and deer inside of high fenced escape proof compounds called Cervid Harvest Preserves (CHP) commonly known as shoot farms.
Among those polled that were in favour or opposed to this legalization, 72% of Alberta Voters are opposed. Among those that identified as being UCP supporters, 68% are opposed to the shooting of game farm raised domesticated elk and deer on these shoot farms. These numbers mirror the results from over 20 years ago when then Premier Klein called the practice of shooting fenced in animals "unfair and inhumane" and that he found the practice "abhorrent". His government did not approve the same proposal then that we are once again faced with now.
In a recent meeting between the Alberta Wildlife Federation reps and the Alberta Agriculture Minister and his staff, the Minister said he was concerned with how Alberta voters felt on this issue. As he is the one introducing this Bill to legalize these shoot farms to the legislature, we call on him to listen to what the Alberta voters and the supporters of his party have said. 72% opposed is a pretty clear majority of opposition.
The INSIGHTRIX survey was undertaken after it was brought to our attention that the current Agriculture Minister was pushing ahead with the legalization of shooting domesticated elk and deer in an effort to save the dying industry of game farming in Alberta. Currently there are 133 operating game farms in the province from a high of about 650 over 20 years ago. The survey of 800 Albertans was conducted between February 24th and 26th of 2025. The survey was taken from all across Alberta with an even representation of rural and urban as well as male and female respondents. The survey is deemed accurate within + or - 5% and has a 95% confidence level.
The coalition opposed to the legalization of these Cervid Harvest Preserves consists of the Alberta Wildlife Federation, the Alberta Wilderness Association, the Alliance for Public Wildlife, the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation and the Canadian Wildlife Federation. These are conservation organizations concerned about the future of wildlife and the environments they live in.
For further information, please contact the Alberta Wildlife Federation CHP committee reps:
Rod Dyck 403-820-0731 or
Curtis Reed 403-638-7412