News Release - Alberta Wildlife Federation commends efforts to safeguard human life and property in the new Alberta Wildlife Management Plan
Two grizzly bears sitting on a ledge looking left - Photo by Steve / Adobe Stock
Edmonton, Alberta, July 23 – Following a careful review of the July 9th press release from the Ministry of Forestry and Parks on problem wildlife management, the Alberta Wildlife Federation agrees in principle with the recent announcement to create a network of wildlife management responders to support the management of problem wildlife in Alberta. The protection of human life and safeguarding of property is essential. We look forward to providing input and working with the Ministry as program details are developed. We also commend the government for their commitment to fund educational initiatives to prevent human-wildlife conflict through the additional money allocated to the Bear Smart Grant program.
The Federation supports the ongoing species management plan for Alberta’s grizzly bear population. We are encouraged by the projected growth trend for Alberta grizzly bears. The Alberta Wildlife Federation will continue to advocate for the reinstatement of a regulated harvest in alignment with the grizzly bear management plan.
Media contact:
Maureen Ezeodumegwu
Communications and Marketing Manager, AlbertaWildlife Federation (780) 437-2342